Gratwicke [Family Portraits] at their home in Pymble

We would like to share our latest family portraits of the lovely Gratwicke family at their home in the beautiful leafy suburb of Pymble.  As there was torrential rain only minutes after starting our portrait session we focused on portraits inside and went back another time for outdoor portraits in their gardens.  We were able to take advantage of a spacious family room,  and used studio lighting to capture everyone including their superstar Labradoodle, Charlie.

Maddy and Tom with their very cuddly Labradoodle, Charlie.
Maddy, Kate, Adrian and Tom at home

Maddy and Charlie
Tom and Charlie
It had already starting drizzling as we took this image.


Taking photos for fun - blizzards, snow storms, beautiful rays of light...all in one day

 A 'white out' on the way to Snow Farm, Cardrona, Otago photo courtesy David Patterson
After spending a few days judging at the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography Awards and conference  in Queenstown a few of my colleagues and I went on explorations around the south Island of NZ.  You might set out with brilliant weather and then as you drive higher into the hills wearing totally inapproriate clothes (runnng shoes weren't realy cutting it - nothing like wet socks for comfort and frozen toes) you realise you didn't quite prepare as well as we should have.

Three AIPP Masters of Photography

A note from Tania...   " I got quite a surprise to see myself in this image as I had totally forgotten we had posed for this image.  I was In Perth late last year judging at their State Awards and presenting when I was somehow coerced into sitting for a portrait with two of my fellow Masters of Photography (I was trying to be relaxed and confident but really all I was thinking  was  - do I look like an idiot trying to look cool! ).   Des Birt (far left) took me on a tour of photography studios.  We visited the absolutely divine Sarre Photography in Subiaco.  Garry Sarre is pictured in the centre.  Garry's daughter Odelia was the clever creator of this image."

Read what Odelia's thoughts were about it's creation...

"I named the image M.Photog. It is a Portrait of Des Birt, Garry Sarre and Tania Niwa.

Having three Master Photographers in your studio doesn’t happen every day and while I found it extremely daunting at the time I’m so glad we took the opportunity to get them all in FRONT of the camera for a change! I really liked the concept of each of the photographers looking in the same direction but each with their own vision. Each photographer in the image was very different in style and personality yet it was photography that they had in common and tied them together. I wanted to incorporate the “photography” aspect so I shot a Hasselblad body to use as a frame around the subjects.

Des, Garry and Tania have all been in the industry for a long time so when Garry suggested I enter the image into APPA I was terrified! I thought at least I’m not going to APPA [Australian Professional Photography Awards]  this year to see it in person.  I am glad that I did as for this Portrait I received my first National Award on my third year of entering – a Silver. I also entered this image as part of my folio for the Western Australian awards and received a Silver Distinction. "