Meet 12yr old Otto Flaherty of Tamarama. Do you think he looks bored? Well he was pretty bored, and that's what Tania delighted in capturing. Tania said "I am so accustomed to photographing people looking very happy and presenting their very best side, that it was a nice change to capture 'normal adolescent' behaviour. Otto is wearing a shirt his mum got him in Guatamala (which he had never worn before and wasn't too impressed with) and his old fluoro board-shorts which are his favourite.

I bumped into Otto and his dad Tim when we were photographing a family at Tamarama Beach. Otto's vibrant hair and features were like a beacon and caught my attention, as I had been eagerly looking for redheads to start my new portrait series." If you know of any redheads or Albino folk that have a unique look, and would like to be considered for upcoming concepts please ask them to email a pic to tania at accompanied by a little personal info. Tania is interested in writing about the heritage of each redhead she photographs.
Otto is the only one in his family to have red hair. Otto's mum Jacinta Lynch said her background is Danish/Polish and Irish and husband Tim Flaherty is Irish. "We used to argue who was responsible for red hair both claiming about three or four generations back there was a redhead but of course we are both responsible as you need two recessive genes to make a redhead. It is thought that redheads will die out in about 100 years as less people with the recessive genes are meeting up."