Tania has started a series of portraits of artists and their 'painted self portraits'. Here Tania has captured expat New Zealander, Stephanie Brown of Narrabeen (pictured). Steph who is a former production manager of Niwa Photography is a full time professional artist who has been accepted into a number of high ranking national exhibitions including the 2010 Salon des Refuses at Observatory Hill (selected from all Archibald entrants).

Stephanie has titled this photograph 'My former Self'. Steph's self portrait shows her at the beginning of her career in 2008. Now in 2010 Steph has really established herself quickly with acceptance into highly ranked exhibitions and so many commissions to keep up with. When Steph worked for us she really had no idea about how gifted she was. As a team we worked on creating individual vision boards and setting goals. This is when Steph started being drawn towards her true calling as an artist. Tania commented, "I know that three years ago there is no way Steph would have even wanted me to photograph her as she was so shy. She was happy when there was no attention on her. Steph is now a very strong and quietly confident artist, as you can see here."