Janine Burns, Media Relations Expert for U.S. State Dept (NZ) visits for a corporate headshots shoot with Niwa Photography

I first met Janine Burns in 2006 when I was in New Zealand to be the guest speaker at a Ronald Woolf Memorial Photography event for the Photographic Society of New Zealand.

Over the years Janine and I have stayed in touch; she has followed my blog and kept up with my photography.

She flew over from Wellington recently and we had a lot of fun capturing a series of images for her.

Janine spent nearly a decade working in television newsrooms before spending the past 10 years doing media relations for the U.S. State Department.

When training people to interact with media, one of the things she recommends is having a range of quality photos available for use.

"I thought it was about time I took my own advice," she laughs.

"When you delve into your wardrobe you look for something that works for the occasion. Something that is both appropriate and that reflects your personality.

"The flexibility to select from a range of photos in the same way really works," she says.

I couldn't agree more.

Tania Niwa